What is Medicare?
This article is ideal for someone transitioning to Medicare and feels overwhelmed or confused about how Medicare really works and the different Medicare options.
This article is ideal for someone transitioning to Medicare and feels overwhelmed or confused about how Medicare really works and the different Medicare options.
Here’s an excellent breakdown of the key differences between choosing a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) versus a Medicare Advantage plan!
As a Self-Employed individual or just needing to get your own health insurance, are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by so many different options, and unsure your best option?
Well, you’re not alone (if that makes you feel any better:)). What we have today is a broken system – and many moving parts, and it’s not easy to figure out one’s best options – especially doing it alone!
What is supplemental insurance? What specifically is a critical illness or cancer policy? Doesn’t a regular major medical health insurance policy cover me for these big medical issues as well?
What is an Accident policy needed for?
Would it make sense for me to get this?
How would this policy practically help me?
What exactly are Medicare Supplements and is it right for me? This article offers a comprehensive, yet clear explanation of Medicare Supplements, also known as Medigap plans.